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You're a Mom
You Know You're a Mom When...
No matter what you're doing you feel guilty. If you're working you feel guilty you're not with your kids. If you don't work you feel guilty you aren't bringing in money. If you're playing with your kids you feel guilty you aren't getting things done around the house. If you're getting things done around the house you feel guilty you aren't playing with the kids. Let's stop feeling guilty and just be happy with what we are doing, whatever it is. - November 12, 2011
You think these top 10 things your baby (in the first year) does are adorable even though if anyone else did anything on this list it would be totally inappropriate:
Stick Tongue Out
- Suck Toes
- Make Funny Sound with Mouth
- Squeal
- Nap All Day
- Burp
- Put Random Objects in Mouth
- Pound on Highchair for Food
- Pass Gas
- Stare at People
May 3, 2011
You trade in your sports car for a minivan and although you are sad to see the sports car go; you know the minivan is best for your family...and then you love your minivan. - April 29, 2011
You want to freeze time so you're babies do not grow up but you know that the most important job of being a mom is to help your children become strong, independent people. - November 4, 2010
You drive for a few minutes (without your kids in the car) before you realize you're still listening to "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands...." - March 29, 2010
No matter how often you clean your purse you can always find treats such as cheerios or raisons at the bottom of your purse. - March 22, 2010
You know your child is sick by the look in his eye or by kissing his forehead. - May 20, 2010
If you're child doesn't like what he's eating he spits it out into your hand. - May 20, 2010
You can make your child's boo boo go away with a simple kiss. - May 20, 2010