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Memory of the Day
Memory of the Day
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There are so many wonderful memories that happen each and every day with a child. You think you'll remember them all but as time goes by some of the memories, no matter how wonderful they are start to fade. That's why I love looking back and reading some of my journal posts such as "I Love" or "First Words."
I decided to start writing down at least one memory of the day. I encourage you to do the same. Write in a daily planner, on a calendar, in your diary, in a notebook, write it on facebook, twitter, or your medium of choice. It doesn't matter where, just write it somewhere. Please check back to see the daily updates. I also plan to post the memory of the day through facebook ( and twitter ( Please refer to "Join MOMMBY" and the "Facebook & Twitter" page for more information.
Diary of a Mom
Please refer Home/ Family Blog for the recent memories and also Diary of a Mom, Diary of a Dad, Diary of a 3 Year Old, and Diary of an Infant.
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For Mommy - March 23, 2012
My 3 year old usually gives his preschool creations to Daddy to hang in Daddy's office. Today, after tracing and coloring in shapes he said "I need to write my name on my paper and then write your name. How do you spell Mommy?" Then he said, "Please help me draw a big heart?" I was very honored my 3 year old wanted to give me his paper. I heard him say as he was writing, "I Love You. A big happy heart for Mommy." Parenting is definitely exhausting but times like this reminds you how special it is!
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My Little Artists - February 23, 2012
We recently purchased an art easel and it was the best purchase. I knew my 3 year old was ready for an easel to draw and practice writing. What I didn't expect was how much my 1 year old would love it as well. She constantly goes over to the easel, writes with the erasable markers then erases what she writes and writes more. She also likes to use the chalk on the back of the easel on the chalkboard side.
I was happy to find a reasonably priced easel at Target for $19.99 as most children's easels range closer to $50. It was the Board Dudes 3 in 1 Adjustable Children's Art Easel. It was super easy to put together (no tools needed) and exactly what we needed.
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Drawing Book
I now need to buy Ed Emberley's Drawing Book of Animals! I loved this book as a child and since both of my kids (1 year old and 3 year old) love to draw this is a great book to have. My 3 year old drew this picture while I was cleaning. He simply looked at a picture in his sketch pad and tried to copy the picture. If I get a book like Ed Emberley's he could easily draw whatever he wanted. If you've never seen Ed Emberley's books, get them at your local library and I bet you will buy your own copy.
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Lake Tahoe Ski Trip - February 3, 2012
Erik and I had a wonderful mini-vacation without the kids. Lake Tahoe was a beautiful place! I never got tired seeing the amazing view of the lake while skiing. I also loved riding the Gondola up the mountain each day. Please refer to the pictures posted on the MOMMBY facebook page. It was nice not having to worry about what to make for dinner and eating dinner just us and not getting up from the table a million times to get more juice, napkins....But the great part about doing a trip without the kids was when it was time to go home I was excited because I did miss the kids so instead of dreading the end of the vacation I was happy to be back home with my family. Thanks again to the grandparents for taking care of the kids while we were gone!
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New Year's Resolutions - January 24, 2011
How are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions? Here's my update:
10. The Laundry - A Minus - Significantly improved no more mountains of laundry but I can still improve.
9. The MOMMBY SHOW - A Minus - I was happy with all of the New Year's Resolution videos I posted at the beginning of the month but then I got caught up with other MOMMBY demands and so I haven't posted many since then. I have a lot of ideas I want to post...just need to find time.
8. Healthy Meal Ideas - A - This is the one thing I do pride myself on. No matter how busy I get I try to provide my family a healthy meal. I still take short cuts and we do eat Organic Mac n' Cheese at least once a week but I do not serve it unless there are frozen peas/broccoli or some kind of green vegetable mixed in. This week in addition to adding broccoli I put in pureed sweet potatoes since both kids seemed to be in an anti-vegetable mood. Another thing I've been doing recently is making smoothie drinks (without a blender). Add apple sauce, pureed vegetable (sweet potato/ squash you could use baby food) mix and add some orange juice. Both my 3 year old and 1 year old love to drink these drinks in a cup with a straw.
7. Get Organized - A Minus - Both my husband and I have really been working to get organized! We finally re-arranged our kitchen cabinets and it is amazing how moving some things from one section to a different section really made a huge difference. I also organized the professional pictures from our daughter's birth to her first birthday and I'm really enjoying looking at them. Next month's to do is to finally organize all of the pictures I've been taking since my son's birth (3 year's worth of pictures). Our unfinished basement is still a MAJOR disaster but that will probably be next year's resolution.
6. Sell MOMMBY Peek-a-Bye-Baby™ cover and other MOMMBY Products - B - (C for the Peek-a-Bye-Baby™cover and A for other products) I've been doing a lot of research about new products that will help parents. I'm really excited about the products I'm hoping to launch in the coming months. I also need to start putting effort into selling the Peek-a-Bye-Baby™cover because it truly is the Burp cloth that won't fall off and the nursing cover for baby to see mother!™ I'm also very excited about the launch of the MOMMBY Preschool!
5. New Year's Resolution #5 (Family Video of Daddy Rappelling Washington Monument) has been removed due to personal work reasons. We still would love to have the once in a lifetime adventure of being on Amazing Race or SURVIVOR.
4. Get Sleep - F - I have not done well with this at all. In fact, I think I've gotten worse. I really am going to work on this in the coming weeks! I promise.
3. Family & Friends - A - I always try to appreciate the precious time with my kids but sometimes I can get caught up in daily I'm really trying to re-focus attention and I'm trying to focus on the present (live in the now)and stop worrying about the future. We are also having fun practicing the learning games I'm working on for the MOMMBY Preschool. I feel very fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life.
2. Self - C - I have not been able to commit going to the gym more than once a week.It seems every week there is a different pressing matter. I really hope I can make more time for the gym in the coming weeks! I do hope to do the Sprint Tri again next I should try to work out more than 30 minutes a week.
1. Thankful - A - No matter how busy I get I do remember each and every day how thankful I am. Every minute of every day may not be enjoyable but I am thankful for those special moments when my 3 year old gives me a compliment or my 1 year old snuggles up on my shoulder or on the rate occasion when Erik and I just sit and relax and watch tv together. I truly am thankful for each and every day.
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Erik Rappelling Washington Monument Interview MSNBC #CaughtonCamera
MOMMBY Dad, Erik, did a great job on the MSNBC Caught on Camera: Labor Pains show which aired on Sunday, January 22 8PM. If you missed the show it should re-air on Sunday, January 29 at 7PM.
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Holiday Celebrations - January 6, 2011
We've been busy celebrating the holidays...and I've been busy making my "Top 10 New Year's Resolutions!" Please share your New Year's resolutions. I hope to update soon with some of our favorite holiday memories.
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Preschool Holiday Song - December 21, 2011
Today my son's 3 year old preschool class sang jingle bells for all of the parents. It was adorable. They all stood there perfectly still holding their bells until it was the proper time to start singing and ringing their bells. My 1 year old didn't quite understand so she starting ringing her bell a little premature. I was very proud of my son and I felt fortunate to be able to be there to see it.
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Breakfast with Santa - December 10, 2011
Today, we did an informal breakfast with Santa. It was at a local "farm." You ate in a barn and got a few pancakes and sausage. It was very informal and perfect for my 3 year old and 1 year old. The best part was you could go get your picture with Santa and you took the picture with your own camera so you don't have to pay the mall prices of $25 for one picture with Santa. You could take as many pictures as you wanted. Our daughter didn't even cry when she saw Santa this time. She still didn't want him to hold her but at least we could get a family picture of her with Santa.
After breakfast the farm had various activities like giant slides, bounce area, and hayrides. It was a very enjoyable cold but sunny day. It was great to spend time together as a family and just enjoy December.
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Santa Made Me Cry! - December 4, 2011
We took the kids to see the Santa parade in our neighborhood and then after the parade you could write a letter to Santa and then get your picture taken with him. During the parade our daughter made it clear she didn't want Santa to hold her so we decided to first get the family Santa picture so she would see Santa is a nice man and then I was going to try to get a picture with just my 3 year old and 1 year old. So I was holding my 1 year old and soon as I got remotely close to Santa she started screaming hysterically...not just crying screaming! She normally loves to greet everyone with a beautiful warm smile! but not today...Santa was just too much for her. I think next year she may feel differently. It was definitely a Christmas memory!
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