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Please refer to the tabs for various ways to teach children about colors. Please also refer to the "Preschool Lessons" article for all articles about teaching preschoolers. Or please refer to the "Preschool Play" article. The videos are included in the respective tabs but if you just want to watch the videos without additional information, please refer to this link.
If you live in South Riding, VA - please sign up for the MOMMBY Preschool.
My Favorite Books
Reading books is a great way to introduce colors to your little one. My one year old loves bright colored books so even if the book isn't about colors it is easy to teach her colors while reading the story.
One of my favorite books to read about colors is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle. Please refer below for my 3 year old's interpretation of the story.
Some of my other favorite books are:
Eric Carle - My Very First Book of Colors - My 3 year old loves matching the pictures with the appropriate colors
Crayola - The Big Red/Blue/Green/Yellow Book - each book was $1 in the $1 section at my local Target store
Use Props
My kids really love when we use props reading the books. I love buying the Kohl's Cares Books at Kohl's because they always have the matching stuffed animal to go with the books. Of if you are a preschool teacher and/or really want to make the lesson special for educational purposes you can make a copy of the pictures in the book, laminate the picture (I used the Purple Cow 9" Hot and Cold Laminator that came with 100 Pockets. I bought it at Costco for $19.99!), and then tape a popsicle stick (I bought a pack of them at the Dollar Tree) to the back of the picture like we did in my son's demonstration of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Eric Carle. The pictures are copyrighted but my understanding is if you are making copies for educational purposes that should qualify under the fair use guidelines. You are responsible to confirm any copyright issues. (To Top)
My 3 year old and 1 year old enjoyed doing this rice craft. I did need to make sure my 1 year old didn't eat the rice but besides that it was a lot of fun.
I bought a large bag of rice at Costco and then put a cup of uncooked rice in each bag. I added some food coloring to the bag, shook the rice, and made different colored rice.
We then put glue on construction paper and made rainbows with the different colored rice. You could make any designs you wanted. This would also be a great craft if you are teaching shapes and make shape designs. I put the construction paper on cookie trays (I bought at Dollar Tree for the sole purpose of using for craft projects) to limit the amount of rice that got on the floor.
You can use the extra rice for rice play where you put rice in a container and let kids play with it like they would sand. The rice play can be messy so I'd recommend doing rice play outside.
My 1 year old and 3 year old enjoyed doing the color paper towel craft.
My kids love throwing balls and so we played the color bucket game to practice sorting colors.
You don't need to buy extra toys to teach colors. I'm sure you already have enough everyday toys or household items to play with. You could have your children try to sort the toys by color like we did in the color bucket game or simply point out the different colors of the toys as your child plays with them. We had fun playing with snap-lock beads, sorting cups, blocks, and many other toys that were bright colors and we would discuss how each item was red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple....