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Journal | Memory of the Day

Memory of the Day

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Imaginary Play - July 27, 2010 (2 Years 2 Months)
My son has been enjoying doing imaginary play for awhile now and I still enjoy watching him play. The new thing he likes doing is getting Mommy's pots and pans, putting various things in them, covering them with lids and then using pot holders to open them up and then taste his creation. Whatever he makes always tastes, "good."
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Grocery Store - July 20, 2010 (2 Years 2 Months)
My son loves to help with everything these days and Mommy really appreciates all of his help. Today while grocery shopping in addition to pushing his own cart he put the fruit in the bags and then put it in the brown paper bags Mommy brings to use at checkout. He didn't quite understand that you wait until you check out to put all of the food in the brown bags to go home. Shopping is a fun experience at least for the first half of the trip. Usually, it takes too long and half way through we may have a melt down and Mommy ends up pushing both shopping carts but generally the first half of the trip is quite enjoyable.
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House Hunting - July 10, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
We finally signed the contract to build our new home today. The past couple of weeks we've been house hunting with our son. He's been very good for the entire search process. Although, we were fortunate to have grandparents come down to watch him while we signed the final agreement.

We've been asking our son if he wants us to buy a new home and he always says, "Yes!" Please refer below for a picture of our son hanging out on the deck of one of the houses we were looking at.

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4th of July - July 4, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
Things have been crazy in our home as we've been looking to buy a single family home since we realized we've grown out of our 2 bedroom townhouse and with a baby on the way and interest rates low we decided to start looking for a bigger home. Thus, our 4th of July plans kept changing due to house searching. Last minute, Mommy decided that we were going to put the house searching on hold and simply enjoy the 4th of July.

We decided to go to a popular swimming pool that was basically a water park for preschoolers. We could have went to our community pool but we decided to do something really special. In addition, fireworks were scheduled to be shown outside the pool shortly after the pool closed. So we quickly gathered out things, packed a picnic lunch, and headed to the pool. We arrived at the pool about one hour after it opened and unfortunately discovered that everyone else had the same idea to come to this fabulous pool and then stay for the fireworks. After waiting in line for about an hour we were told that the pool was not allowed to let any additional people in and although we could get on a waiting list the chances of getting in were pretty slim considering the waiting list was several pages long.

We decided to make the most of the day and fortunately there were other fun things to do close to the pool. There was a carousel which our son being under three could ride for free and so he rode this a few times. There was also a moon bounce set up for the 4th celebration which our son had a blast jumping in. We did a boat ride around the "lake" really pond as the boat ride was probably 30 seconds long. We even got french fries from a vendor (one of our son's special treats). We still were debating about hanging around for fireworks as we had a perfect parking spot for them so we decided to go for a walk and let our son fall asleep. He did fall asleep in his stroller and so we parked him while Mommy and Daddy relaxed by the water. While he was sleeping the ducks decided to get out of the water right near his stroller. He would have been very disappointed if he knew he missed this.

When our son did wake, we decided to call it a day and actually go home and relax. I know our son was confused as to why we never went swimming as he occasionally would ask to go swim since he knew we were planning to go swim for the day but I know he had a wonderful day even though he didn't get to swim. It ended up being a very nice 4th of July celebration. Please refer below for some pictures of our special day.

In the Car
Riding the Carousel
Loved to Wave!
Running Around
Boat Ride
Moon Bounce
Sleeping...Missing the Ducks

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"I'm Two" - June 27, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
Our son was spending the weekend with MomMom and Granddad as Mommy and Daddy went to Las Vegas for a mini vacation to relax before the next baby is born. Our son had a wonderful time spending time with grandparents although I'm sure one of his favorite memories was being a greeter at church with MomMom and Granddad. He got to stand at the front of the church and shake everyone's hand and he would tell each person that "I'm Two." If someone walked by him then he would chase after them to tell them "I'm Two."
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Two Year Old Pictures - June 22, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
I took my son to get his professional portraits at JCPenney's today. We went closer to his two year birthday but the day we went he was running a fever, not feeling well and by the time we were finished with the family pictures he wanted nothing to do with being photographed by himself. I was hoping today I could get some nice pictures of just him and possibly one of him kissing my belly as a cute pregnancy photo.

Well, we probably only got about five pictures taken and he was done. I don't think he liked only having his picture taken, usually we do a lot of him with both Mommy and Daddy. I tried to explain when we got there that we were only going to take pictures of him today but you never know how they are going to react. We did manage to get one picture with a smile and some other nice pictures just not with the gorgeous smile that I see every day and wanted to capture.
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Eating on the Deck - June 21, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
My son loves the outdoors! So it is not surprising that as soon as we started eating dinner outside he now requests to eat all meals on our deck; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is a welcomed change (although it has been pretty hot recently) from eating in the kitchen. Soon as I prepare his meal, he says "Outside" and walks to the backdoor. After our meal he waters all of the flowers and usually manages to water mommy as well.

Today, my son went in his big boy potty 3 times, in the morning, before his nap, and before bedtime. We haven't officially started potty training, maybe that is the key, don't plan on it and it just happens. The "Potty Training" article is coming soon.
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Looking at Boats - June 19 - 20 (2 Years 1 Month)
We decided to give Daddy an early Father's Day and go look at some speed boats. Daddy has always wanted a boat and all of us love being outdoors and so we are very interested in purchasing a boat. So we drove around all weekend looking at various boats. Our son did extremely well in the trip in fact I think he acted like we were going to amusement parks as he got so excited each time we pulled into the new boat shop. He'd start screaming boat, big boat. He had fun going on and off all of the boats.

At this age we do let him watch Disney DVD's while in the car for long trips. So he did watch Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs several times as the movie tended to restart when we got back in the car. We were extremely happy with how our son held up with all of the driving we the time we got in the last boat, he said "I'm done" and we were about done with looking at boats as well. Stay tuned to find out if a boat becomes a new addition to our family.
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Relaxing Friday - June 18, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
Today was one of the few days, I can say was relaxing, at least as relaxing as it can be watching a two year old. The best part of the day was going to the swimming pool. My son now enjoys playing in the baby pool and is steady enough in the water that unlike last year I don't have to be within two inches from him. He enjoyed playing in the water and I enjoyed catching up on a parenting magazine, while still watching to make sure he didn't fall in the water.

I'm looking forward to more pool visits this summer. Last summer, I had high hopes of enjoying the pool with my son but then being 12 months old he was still having fun discovering things by walking/ "running" and so he had more fun running around the pool than being in the pool. Thus, after several times of going through all of the pool preparations, getting our bathing suits on, getting his hat, swim tube, sun block, taking a drink, snack, and various other times by loading up his red wagon and walking to the pool we stopped going since he wasn't really enjoying the water. So I was extremely happy when this year we both can enjoy the pool together.
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Puppet Show - June 16, 2010 (2 Years 1 Month)
Today we went to the first program through our community's summer concert series for children. It was my son's first puppet show. The show was moved inside as it looked like it could rain and I was surprised by how many people showed up for the show. I was happy to see so many people taking advantage of the activities offered by the community. There were children all ages some younger than my son (usually babies accompanying their older siblings) and some older, most children were around 3 - 4 years old.

The show was an hour long, for my son's age 30 minutes would have been perfect but he did manage to sit still for the entire show. Fortunately, I had a bran muffin treat in my purse as all of the children around him were eating snacks. I guess that is how most parents get the little kids to sit and watch the puppet show, feed them! My son enjoyed the show. I'm looking forward to the other children's programs during the rest of the summer.
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Moon Bounce & Light Show - June 12, 2010 (24 Months)
Today was a very active, special day. This afternoon we had Daddy's company party which had a really big moon bounce. Our son loved it!! I had to keep dragging him out of it to try to rehydrate him since it was a very hot, humid day. He had a blast bouncing in it with the other kids. When we had our brief water breaks, all he would say is "I want to bounce...I want to bounce...." By the time we got home from the party it was pretty late, so we ate a late dinner, did a bath and then got our son in his pajamas. Then we drove up the street to park in the mall parking lot to watch the local fireworks for the community celebration. The fireworks went off late so while we were waiting our son put on a dance show for us and then the highlight of the night was when a little girl in a nearby car gave him two of her light sticks. Our son was so excited, he kept screaming, "Thank you!" "Thank you!" Shortly after that the fireworks finally started and we all enjoyed the show, with our son screaming, "Yeah" in the background. It was a very late bedtime, but well worth it.
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Mommy's Helper - June 11, 2010 (24 Months)
One of my son's favorite things is to help...if he is upset about something usually the easiest thing is to ask him to help me with something. From helping unload the car after shopping, to helping put the clothes in the laundry to helping unload the dishwasher. Of course, he loves to help cook in the kitchen especially if we are making pancakes. And he always is an excellent cleaner, sweeping the floor, wiping the table, and putting away his toys. I hope this continues.
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