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Memory of the Day
Memory of the Day
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New Food - April 9, 2010 (22 Months)
Our son has continued to eat well. He also likes to try new things as long as Mommy or Daddy are eating the item. This week he tried and enjoyed salmon, cooked beets, corn chowder, and salsa. He seems to not mind spicy food. He may still have a day where he doesn't eat a lot but he'll definitely make up for it the next day.
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Doctor Appointments - April 8, 2010 (22 Months)
My son is becoming a pro at behaving while at Mommy's doctor appointments. The main problem is when it is time to leave he usually wants to stay especially when the office has "toys" for him to play with.
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Easter Treats - April 5, 2010 (22 Months)
Our son enjoyed playing with his presents from Easter and trying a few of his Easter treats. Mommy was able to find Organic candy and/or at least candy without dyes and unnecessary preservatives. Thank you Whole Foods!
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Easter Egg Hunt - April 4, 2010 (22 Months)
Our son enjoyed doing his first Easter Egg Hunt. He was very good at finding the eggs. After he found all of the eggs he then proceeded to put all of the eggs back where he originally found them and then re-find all of the eggs. He did this several times. He loved re-hiding each egg and then searching for the eggs all over again. Nana found some of the eggs that he had hidden a month after Easter. Let's just say those eggs didn't smell very good, at least they were outside.
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Easter Eggs - April 3, 2010 (22 Months)
We dyed Easter Eggs at Nana's house. Our son really enjoyed dipping the eggs. We enjoyed watching him dye the Easter Eggs and we learned that he did know all of his colors. He would say the color as he dyed each egg. He probably could have dyed several dozen eggs but we had to stop once he started getting too excited and we started to get nervous that the dye was going to stain Nana's perfectly white kitchen.
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Cherry Blossoms - March 27, 2010 (22 Months)
Today we went to see the Cherry Blossoms in D.C. It has been a recent yearly family tradition. Our son loved pointed out and saying things he saw. Some of his favorites, "train, owl (there was a stuffed owl in one of the trees), duck, truck, bus, kites, flowers." It was a very enjoyable day.
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Hit & Hug - March 26, 2010 (22 Months)
We've been having a play date with boys my son's age and they usually have a fun time but at some point during the play date one of the kids gets upset and may hit one of the other kids. So today my son and a boy were hitting each other and both me and the other mom said we don't hit we hug and next thing we knew both boys were giving each other hugs. Being a toddler sure is great, one minute you can be hitting your friend and the next you can be hugging him.
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Orange Potty Bucket - March 21, 2010 (22 Months)
My son tries to go to the bathroom in his potty chair before getting a bath. Sometimes he doesn't go and recently then when he got in the bathtub he realized he had to go and would stand up and start going to the bathtub. Generally, we would pick up his orange bucket and have him go in the bucket so we didn't get the bath water dirty. So today when my son was sitting on his potty chair he asked for his orange bucket so he could go to the bathroom into the orange bucket like he does when he's in the bathtub.
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Easter Bunny - March 20, 2010 (22 Months)
We took our son to get his picture on the Easter Bunny. He looked like he was a deer caught in headlights but he didn't cry. He looked at the Easter Bunny, like I don't quite understand what this is but I'll sit here anyway.
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Stamp Please - March 17, 2010 (22 Months)
Today in our Fun Fit Tots class it was nearing the end of class and my son thought it was over so he quickly ran up to the teacher pointing at his hands as he wanted his sticker and stamp for the day. We had to explain that class wasn't over and he would get it at the end of class. So after each subsequent song in the class he would frantically point to his hands indicating he wanted his stamp. Fortunately, class ended shortly and he got his treasured stamp.
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Thank You - March 16, 2010 (22 Months)
Today was a gorgeous day, beautiful blue skies and warm. A perfect day to go to the park. My neighborhood has this great plan where a group of moms take their kids to the park every day at 4PM weather permitting. So if the weather is nice and you want to do a play date you simply go to the park at 4PM. It works out really well.
Most of the kids bring toys to the park. I have mixed reviews on this because although the kids love playing with the toys you would think the park would be enough for the kids and the toys wouldn't be needed. (My son does love using a shovel to dig in the dirt.) Once one mom brings toys then you need to bring your own otherwise then your child steals the other kids' toys. Well today, I decided to be wild and not bring any toys and so of course my son wanted to play with the other kids' toys, particularly the lawn mower.
I tried to explain that it wasn't his and that the little boy was playing with it but as soon as the little boy finished playing with the lawn mower my son ran over to it and as he wisped it away he screamed, "Thank You!" like the other 22 month old willingly let him take a turn.
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Twinkle Twinkle - March 15, 2010 (22 Months)
"Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" is still my son's favorite song and he likes me to sing it over and over before he goes to sleep. In a way I guess I'm lucky since I don't know many other songs and since I am tune deaf it is one I can somewhat sing. My son has to be the only person in the world that enjoys me singing. If I don't sing the song he'll start singing it and then sing louder and louder until I join in.
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Pizza Dinner -
March 14, 2010 (21 Months)
Pizza is everyone's favorite meal in our house. So tonight was a great night since we were having pizza. Our son was so excited that he climbed up on the booster seat on top of our dining room chair. I'm not even sure how he got up there without tipping over the chair. All I know is that when I walked into the room he was sitting in his chair patiently waiting for his pizza. Then during the meal, since we weren't quick enough with giving him more pizza he reached across the table to help himself.
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